The Birth Story of Lincoln - The Short Version

Thursday October 4th 2018:
                On October 4th, I turned 37 weeks exactly and had my "36 week"  appointment. My blood pressure was high ( as it had been for weeks prior). When my OB came into the room she said something along the lines of  "Let's have a baby today". I was shocked and completely unprepared. She started discussing me getting induced that day. I asked if I could go home and get my bags first and the OB advised that Tim could go home and get the bags and that I would not be leaving. I was met just outside of the appointment room with a nurse and a wheelchair. I was then taken by wheelchair to Labor and Delivery to be induced. From here on, until Lincoln was born was a bit spotty, but I'll provide the little details that I do still remember.
                Once to Labor and Delivery I was met by an amazing nurse that I had during my previous trips to Labor and Delivery for my blood pressure. I was set up with an IV, and waited around until 4-5p when the OB came to put in a foley bulb. I was BARELY 1cm dialated and pitocin was started as well.    At some point during the night the foley bulb came out and I was 4cm dialated. I remember asking the night nurse if after the foley came out if the pain would be more in my belly (as I had imagined where the pain would be). She said yes. I never ended up feeling pain in my belly as I had imagined and pain stayed about where you feel period cramping. At some point 3 nurses were in the room due to them thinking something was wrong with Lincoln or I's heart rate. It ended up being fine.
Friday October 5th, 2018:
                    Once the dayshift nurse came on I sat on the birthing ball for a little while ( I don't remember feeling like it was for very long). I crawled back into the bed a short time later and said I was ready for an epidural whenever. A little bit later I was given the epidural and dosed off a few times. At some point my OB had broke my water in the morning before I got the epidural. After the epidural I spent several hours just dozing on and off, never really getting any relief from the pain. Between noon and 3pm things moved  a bit fast (faster than I expected anyways). I dialated quickly. At some point the nurse came in and checked me and said to do some practice pushes. I pushed for a few minutes and then she called out that she needed a team and the OB in my room. I told her I felt like I needed to go to the bathroom really bad. I told her I still needed to push on my contractions ( I really couldn't help the feeling of needing to push). She said she really didn't want to deliver a baby but she would if she had too (while waiting for the OB to arrive). After the Ob arrived and a few pushes later Lincoln was here! Total push time with my "practice pushes"and "real pushes" was a little less than half an hour.
                     First thing I did was turn to Tim and say " A baby just came out of my vagina!" ( I was a little shocked... After 3 years of Infertility I never imagined we would be where we were, having a baby. I didn't feel like anything happening was real. While Lincoln was laid on me, and while he continued to lay on me while they cleaned him up, I just was in total shock. A human being exited my body. We made a human being. Still in complete shock 3 months later, by the way! I was so shocked that I held my hands up majority of the time as I was afraid to touch him. I didn't know if I could touch him. I was afraid none of this was real.)
                     3:05pm we had a healthy baby boy, Lincoln. 3:05pm, my life completely changed, I was now a mother, Tim was now a father.


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